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Literary Studies

Admission with additional requirements

Additional requirement of 21 ECTS Credits

Students with no previous knowledge in Literary Studies are required to earn 21 ECTS credits at the beginning of their studies. The aim for the students is to learn the basics of the literary craft.

In this case, we recommend that you complete the 21 ECTS Credits requirement within one subject. For German native speakers, compulsory modules from the BA in General and Comparative Literature are recommended, for native English speakers, compulsory and elective modules from the BA in English Literature and Linguistics are recommended.

Recommendations of General and Comparative Literary Studies (AVL)

Compulsory modules of the module group “Introduction to General and Comparative Literature” from the BA Minor Study Program General and Comparative Literature are recommended:

Modulnr. Bezeichnung ECTS Credits Angebotsmuster
410-002 Prolegomena (Littérature - Letteratura - Literatura) 3 each fall semester
504-001 Introduction to General and Comparative Literature (Basisseminar) 6 each fall semester
504-002 Reading Practice 6 each fall semester
504-003 Research Paper Poetics and Reading  6 2-semester module (starting each semester)

For questions concerning the AVL modules, please contact the  Advisor of Studies - AVL

Recommendations of the English Department

Recommended are the following P-modules from the Bachelor programs in English Literature and Linguistics:

Module code Title ECTS Credits Duration


English literature: Textual Analysis


2-semester module (starting each fall)


Literature in Context: History and Theory


2-semester module (starting each fall)

and 1 of the 10 Bachelor Seminars in Literature (WP-module from Module Group "English Literature," 6 ECTS):

Module code Title ECTS Credits Duration


Literary Histories: Renaissance and Early Modern Period



starting each semester


Literary Histories: The Long Nineteenth Century



starting each semester


Literary Histories: The Long Twentieth Century


starting each semester


Literary Histories: Genres and Themes in Literature and Culture


starting each semester


Literary Histories: Cultural Contexts


starting each semester


Literary and Cultural Analysis: (Post-)Colonial Perspectives


starting each semester


Literary and Cultural Analysis: Identities


starting each semester


Literary and Cultural Analysis: Intermediality


starting each semester


Literary and Cultural Analysis: Introduction to Theory


starting each semester


Literary and Cultural Analysis: Texts and Their Afterlives


starting each semester

For questions concerning the modules of the English Department please contact the Advisor of Studies.

Requirements of less than 21 ECTS Credits

Students with previous knowledge in literary studies who are required to earn less than 21 ECTS Credits may also use the above mentioned modules of General and Comparative Literature and English Studies as a guide.

If only a few ECTS points are missing, literary modules from other departments are also possible. The recommendations of each department can be found below.

General and Comparative Literary Studies (AVL)

All modules from the BA study program General and Comparative Literature.

For any questions concerning these modules contact  Advisor of Studies - AVL

English Department

(see above)

+ 1 of the Lectures in Literature (W-module from Module Group "English Literature," 3 ECTS) from the BA in English Literature and Linguistics

Questions? Advising of Studies

Slavic Seminar

The following modules from the BA Slavic Linguistics and Literature Studies are recommended:

Module group “Introduction to Slavic Linguistics and Literary Studies (Introductory Phase)”:

  • “Basics of Slavic Literary Studies” (06SM480-003)
  • “Interdisciplinary Slavic Studies: Languages, Literatures, Cultures (06SM480-002)

Module group “Academic Argumentation”:

  • “Written work: Literary Textual Analysis” (06SM480-035), “Written work: Literary History” (06SM480-036)
  • “Written work: Literature and Media” (06SM480-037)

Module group “Literary Studies: History, Context, Knowledge”:

  • All modules from this group are eligible.

Module group “Literary Studies: Analysis, Poetics, Rhetoric”:

  • All modules from this group are eligible. 

For questions concerning the modules of the Slavic Seminar contact Advisor of Studies - Slavic Seminar

Department of Greek and Latin Philology

  • All modules of the module group “Literature from the BA study program Greek Philology”
  • All modules of the module group “Literature from the BA study program Latin Philology”

For questions concerning these modules contact  Advisor of Studies - Department of Greek and Latin Philology

Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies

Literary modules of the module group “Culture” from the BA study program Indology

Literary modules of the module group “Philology” from the BA study program Japanology

Literary modules of the module group “Language, Literature, Media” from the BA study program Sinology

Literary modules of the module group “Culture” from the BA study program Islamic Studies

For questions concerning these modules contact  Advisor of Studies - IAOS